Business Ready For Sale
Business Ready For Sale
Optimse Your Business For Growth - Featuring Keith Millar - Scaling Up Coach
My podcasts are to help business owners maximise the value of their business and make them saleable, because a business that's 'sale ready' is well worth keeping.
Some podcasts are specifically about being saleable or buying a business and some episodes are about growing and having a really great business. One which you would want to keep.
This episode is about growing your business and profit. The really great thing about growing profit (apart from putting more dollars in your pocket) it also has a double benefit on increasing the business' value. The value is "generally" a factor of the profit times a multiplier (ROI factor). The thing is that as the profit increases so does the multiplier - a double benefit.
You may have heard of the books “Mastering The Rockefeller Habits” and “Scaling Up” by Verne Harnish – if not I highly recommend you get hold of copies. The reason I mention them is because a long time friend of mine, Keith Millar, is a Verne Harnish qualified business coach.
He’s one of a select number of coaches in the world qualified to apply Verne’s Scalingup methodology for businesses
Recently it was my very great pleasure to have Keith present for me on my webinar. I have taken the sound track from that webinar and turned it into this podcast so more business owners can benefit from Keith’s tips and recommendations.
Keith has over 30 years of experience successfully leading and advising businesses, where he provides the insights, tools and support for business owners to grow and scale up their businesses.
You can watch the webinar recording and request a copy of the slides at my website.
As mentioned in the episode, if you'd like to get your business saleability score and tips on how to make your business more saleable and attractive to buyers, go to this link My Business Saleability Score
- Go here to VISIT MY WEBSITE for more episodes and information
- Get your business saleability score and tips to Boost Your Business Value & Saleability Today with This Quick Free Online Assessment
- Check out my new 'done with you online program' The 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset
- Schedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE
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