Business Ready For Sale
Business Ready For Sale
Grow Your Profit - Profit First Principles With Amy Bett
When it comes to valuing a business, generally profit comes first. There is a top-selling book called Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine by Mike Michalowicz.
Amy Bett, in Victoria, Australia, is the founder of Lady Without Limits, co-founder of kava-based beverage company Drink Melo, and a Profit First Professional. Amy used the Profit First method of managing her business cash flow and created a very successful business. She is now implementing the methodology in her new business, Drink Melo which has just launched in California.
On the podcast, Amy takes us through why and how you should set up the profit-first methodology in your business. It will give you great clarity and control over your cash flow. It will enable you to make better decisions in your business to grow your profit.
This is a recording from a live webinar and includes a good Q & A which helps everyone.
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