Business Ready For Sale
Business Ready For Sale
Business Ready For Sale - Interviewed By Carmen Allan-Petale
I love it when I get interviewed for someone else's podcast because then I know I am talking about things that interest someone else. Whilst a lot of questions I get asked when speaking with business owners are the same questions, it's also the case that every business is different and every owner has their own personal circumstances and their own questions. Hence, being interviewed brings things out that may otherwise not be discussed. Enjoy this episode where I cover many things about selling a business.
On the episode, I am answering questions from Carmen Alla-Petale on her Committed Creative Podcast. Carmen is a content strategist and public relations consultant providing services including copywriting, blogging, content marketing, editing and ghostwriting. Carmen's website is Red Platypus Creative.
As mentioned in the episode, if you'd like to get your business saleability score and tips on how to make your business more saleable and attractive to buyers, go to this link My Business Saleability Score
- Go here to VISIT MY WEBSITE for more episodes and information
- Get your business saleability score and tips to Boost Your Business Value & Saleability Today with This Quick Free Online Assessment
- Check out my new 'done with you online program' The 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset
- Schedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE
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