Business Ready For Sale
If you are a business owner this PodCast is for you! It's all about turning businesses into saleable assets. Because a business that's "ready for sale" is well worth keeping! On these podcasts there are interviews with successful business owners, entrepreneurs, topic experts, business valuers and brokers and thought leaders on all aspects of growing businesses and turning them in to valuable, saleable assets. My background is as a business owner, business broker and business owner mentor and I put all that experience together here to benefit other business owners. I believe you can build a business as if you are going to keep it for ever, but could sell it tomorrow. Give yourself OPTIONS because one day you WILL exit your business. Subscribe now and become a business owner taking action - which just happens to be the name of my business owner membership groups. Checkout my website at businessreadyforsale.com
Podcasting since 2020 • 35 episodes
Business Ready For Sale
Latest Episodes
Why Leadership is Critical In Business with David Deane-Spread
When a business owners begins to build a team and bring people in to their business, wether full time, part time or on contract, they underestimate the importance of leadership. Often business owners don't see themselves as leaders.Lead...
Season 1
Episode 29

Maximize Your Business Sale Price with Strategic Branding
First impressions are extremely important when you put your business on the market for sale. A big part of that first impression is your branding. Not only does good 'strategic' branidng help with the sale it is a major factor in growing a busi...
Season 1
Episode 28

Leading Your Best Life Part 2 With Leigh Farnell
In Episode 25 I was a guest on Leigh Farnell's podcast "Leading Your Best Life". We discussed many ideas and experiences of doing business and selling businesses. That episode went for an hour and a quarter (have a listen to it if you haven't a...
Season 1
Episode 27

Mental Health First Aid For Business Owners & Their Teams
If you enjoy this episode or have a question or comment, use the text link above!In this episode I feature Katie van Heek the owner of Health Intent as we look at how to recognise mental health issues in business and how to handle them....
Season 1
Episode 26